
The issue of sexual violence has been making its way to the forefront of the media with high profile cases like Taylor Swift. Whether there is an increase in the number of assaults or the attention surrounding the issue of sexual violence has prompted survivors to come forward, we are experiencing a rise in the number Read More…

Lui Damiani, Executive Director

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is right around the corner! Throughout the month of April, there are a variety of ways to get involved. To kick it off, we will be holding our 4th Annual Gala, Cheers to Change, on April 7th which will undoubtedly be the best yet! Cheers to Change couldn’t come at Read More…

The Backlog and How it Affected Me

The Backlog and How it Affected Me Written by: A Sexual Assault Survivor There it was. The dreadful little secret I had been hiding for all those years. I had managed to cram all that baggage in a tiny little box and store it deep down to never hurt me again. With one quick phone Read More…