The social media world was rocked earlier this month. Actress Alyssa Milano encouraged survivors of sexual assault and sexual harassment to post the hashtag “MeToo” to show the magnitude of the problem. The call-to-action was clear and made a resounding statement worldwide. The hashtag was tweeted nearly a million times in 48 hours and survivors across the world were speaking up, many for the first time.
We have the opportunity to continue the dialogue and discuss ways we can create social change. Sexual violence is an epidemic and is a victimization experienced by all ages, genders, ethnicities, and socioeconomic groups. The damage is deep and the pain that results is incredibly real. Whether you vow to be an active bystander, reflect on how you treat others, or advocate for those who have suffered in silence, we ask you to use your voice and demand better treatment of others.
Many of you have shared #MeToo as your status. We applaud your bravery and stand with you. Whether or not you’ve shared your story on social media, please know we are here, around-the-clock, to help you as you go through your healing journey. Call 407-500-HEAL to reach our 24/7 confidential helpline.