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“Inside Out” Healing

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IMG_4654Spring Women’s Empowerment Workshop

The Internal Family

When I first saw the Disney movie: Inside Out, I was amazed.  The core principles of mental health, healing, and internal dialogue were perfectly captured!  With all the movies these days misrepresenting what therapy is and how healing occurs, I was pleasantly surprised to see these concepts displayed in such an energizing, kid-friendly way.  The idea that we have parts of ourselves that may not always agree and sometimes even argue amongst themselves has historically brought judgment and shame.  We have called ourselves “crazy” when we listen to this internal system and worse when we take is seriously.  Well times are a changin’!  We are acknowledging and validating this complicated internal system and now allowing it to be a healing force in our lives.

We were inspired to create a workshop that used these “parts” concepts to really explore our internal environment.  Jessica Mueller, Meghan Hahl, and myself took the “core” messages from Inside Out and ran with them!  We did creative therapy activities that challenged our clients to access their inner child.  They used the language of play to process what was discovered. IMG_4651

They explored the core memories that were created in childhood and the personality characteristics and relationship dynamics that consequently developed.  Our clients experimented with emotional release for some of these parts and engaged in an activity that allowed them to have a conversation with each of their internal parts!  Congratulations to all of them for stepping out of their comfort zones and leaning into the healing process.  We are so proud!  This workshop helped each of them get creative, get connected, and take a leap in their healing journeys!  After all, we do want to find JOY in the JOURNEY!

Holly Smith, LMHC

Senior Therapist, Clinical Coordinator

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