A Letter from Rachel

My name is Rachel, and like far too many, I am a victim and survivor of a violent crime. You may remember hearing part of my story from this video, but there is so much more to my story. 11 years ago, a stranger broke into my home. After sexually assaulting me at gunpoint, he […]
I am Proud to be a Forensic Nurse

Imagine sitting in the crowded waiting room of the local hospital’s Emergency Department . Around the room you see children with fever or crying of pain, others with lacerations needing to be sutured, some holding ice packs on their sprains, strains or possible fractures and ambulances bringing life-threatening injuries or conditions needing to be seen quickly. […]
Serving First Responders
Written by: A VSC Victim Advocate The Victim Service Center operates the 24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline which not only serves victims, but also professionals in the community. Occasionally, we receive calls that require a Victim Advocate to provide services to both the victim and also first responders. Following a sexual assault, a victim may not […]
My Vulnerability Hangover
By: Danielle Sullivan, Sexual Assault Survivor To coin a phrase from self-professed researcher/storyteller and TedTalks sensation Brené Brown, Ph. D., I suffered a major “vulnerability hangover” yesterday. I chose to share the story of my assault with someone; the whole story including the messy parts that I usually edit out. I chose to be vulnerable […]
Prison Rape Elimination Act
By: James Kenney PREA Coordinator, Osceola County Corrections The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) is the single-most important legislation directed toward the safety of inmates in the nation’s jails and prisons. The law supports the elimination, reduction and prevention of sexual assault in United States corrections facilities by developing national standards and accountability measures. […]