Denim Day is an international protest responding to the Italian Supreme Court’s overruling of a rape conviction in the 1990s. To honor victims of sexual assault on the last Wednesday in April Victim Service Center champions #DenimDay in Central Florida. We encourage local businesses, organizations, schools, and individuals to wear jeans.
To promote discussion of the misconceptions that surround sexual violence.
To let survivors know we believe them and their stories.
To show our community that we do not stand for sexual violence.
Hang our flyer in your office, send to your colleagues, encourage your friends, spread the word and inspire others to join the movement!
Donating during the month of April (Sexual Assault Awareness Month), helps VSC continue to help those affected by sexual violence.
Post photos of you, your group, your office, and spread the word about VSC by tagging our socials and using the hashtag "#DenimDay2025"
Motivate your employees to wear jeans on the last Wednesday of April and donate to Victim Service Center of Central Florida to help us continue our mission to provide free and confidential services to all victims in the community.
Victim Service Center of Central Florida is the Certified Rape Crisis Center in Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties. We serve all victims of sexual assault, violent crime and traumatic circumstance through free and confidential crisis intervention, therapy, advocacy and outreach.
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