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Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Intervals

In 2016, guidelines changed to now recommend the collection of vaginal samples in a sexual assault kit up to 5 days after the incident, an increase from a previous 3 day interval. With technological advances and new research, there is a potential for this time to be extended even further. Here we provide an overview of the collection intervals by state, including some proactive states that have already extended their collection intervals.

Kati’s Story

I hope my story can remind you that what happens to us doesn’t define who we are, your essence is still there and you should be living the life you deserve.

Grooming: How Can We Protect Children From Online Grooming

With children being online more it can be difficult to know what is happening in the virtual world. These red flags may not mean that a child is experiencing online grooming however they could be indicators to check in and have a conversation.

Men and Sexual Assault Victimization

Written by: Chelsea Mandes, VSC’s Victim Advocate Intern Sexual assault is a hot topic these days: from the multiple alleged campus sexual assaults in the media, to allegations of rape against beloved celebrities and athletes alike, it seems that one cannot go one day without a new allegation of sexual misconduct levied against a man. When […]