I am Proud to be a Forensic Nurse

Imagine sitting in the crowded waiting room of the local hospital’s Emergency Department . Around the room you see children with fever or crying of pain, others with lacerations needing to be sutured, some holding ice packs on their sprains, strains or possible fractures and ambulances bringing life-threatening injuries or conditions needing to be seen quickly. […]
10 Benefits of Calling the 24/7 Crisis Helpline
First and foremost if you are in immediate danger you should call 911 for help. But if you have been the victim of sexual assault there are so many benefits to calling the Victim Service Center of Central Florida’s 24/7 Crisis Helpline that provides you to immediate access to a Master’s level Crisis Counselor. 1. […]
Seminole County Certified Rape Crisis Center
I am honored to share with you that the Victim Service Center of Central Florida has recently been designated as the certified rape crisis center (RCC) for Seminole County by the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence. What this means in is that our nonprofit agency is now charged with the responsibility of officially bringing to […]
VSC as a Link of Support to Community Leaders
Victim Service Center (VSC) and other community agencies partnered to exchange valuable information focused in the assessment, support and tools dedicated to individuals of the community, involved in a crisis situation related to Domestic Violence (DV) or Sexual Violence (SV). The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) report of 2013, indicated 108,030 domestic violence incidents […]
17 Years of Healing
In 1996, the Board of County Commissioners agreed that a portion of the jails’ proceeds needed to be allocated to recovery services for crime survivors in the community and decided to allocate the funding from payphones in the jail to create a support agency. Commissioner Mary Johnson helped lead the charge for victims’ rights […]
PTSD and Sexual Violence
June 27 is National PTSD Awareness Day in observance of those who struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can result after a single or reoccurring traumatic event. Those with PTSD may have uncharacteristic feelings of nervousness, anxiety, fear, and stress. National PTSD Awareness Day became recognized by […]
FCASV Summit June 2018
VSC had a robust staff participation in the FCASV’s Biennial Summit held June 13-15 at the Naples Grande Beach Resort. 10 VSC employee’s attended the Summit and received specialized training focused on working with victims of sexual violence. This year The Summit focused on how to best serve survivors across all disciplines, causes, genders, faiths, and colors […]
My Journey With EMDR
By: VSC Client I would say that before starting this treatment it is essential to have your mental health in control. In my case, it took a few months before I started the EMDR therapy since it was a priority to stabilize my depression. EMDR was presented to me as the best alternative to approach […]
Extreme Makeover: VSC Edition
VSC annually has participated in the Lauren’s Kids walk in Orlando as the organization makes their way from Tallahassee to Key West, while stopping in major cities to spread the word about ending childhood sexual abuse through education. This year our organization received quite the surprise when Lauren’s Kids contacted VSC about the possibility […]
The Silent Victim
Hi, I’m JoAnn, a silent victim. My husband was a victim of an attempted murder at his place of employment by a disgruntle ex-coworker who ended up stabbing him in his head with a pair of scissors. During his outpatient therapies, his speech therapist asked me if I was taking care of myself and talking […]