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Reactions to Big T and Little t Trauma

by Gina Torre, Rollins College Clinical Mental Health Counseling Graduate Student There are various traumatic events that can be experienced which can cause our brain to send obstructive messages that keep the body in constant protection mode long after a traumatic experience is over.  Because our body is designed to protect us during stressful events, […]

Mother of a Victim

Mother of a Victim Blog

by Wanda, Mother of a VSC client When my daughter was little, whenever she was afflicted by illness or injury, my heart would grieve because I could not bear her suffering. Broken bones and sky-high fevers could not have prepared me for that dark day in September when the torment of not being able to […]

Mental Health Awareness Month: is it Time for a Check-in?

May Mental Health Blog

by: Andrea O’Neill, Rollins College Clinical Mental Health Counseling Graduate Student As April showers give way to May flowers, we begin to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month. This is a great opportunity to take the time to evaluate where you are with your inner self. A mental health check-in can be done at any time […]

The Value of Volunteering at the Victim Service Center

by Erin Hanson, PhD, Research Assistant Professor at the Nation Center for Forensic Science (UCF) and VSC Volunteer For the past several years I have been a Research Assistant Professor in the Biological Evidence Section at the National Center for Forensic Science at the University of Central Florida (UCF). I have been involved in forensic […]

A Cura Começa Aqui- Healing Begins Here

Víctim Service Center of Central Florida (VSC) é uma organização sem fins lucrativos, em Orlando, Flórida, que fornece serviços e recursos individualizados às vítimas de crime e trauma. VSC faz isso através de assalto sexual exames forenses, planejamento de segurança, aconselhamento de crise, advocacia e sensibilização da comunidade. Nosso escritório principal está perto do centro […]

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month: A Father’s Perspective

by Jorge Alberto Valladares, professor of psychology at Valencia College and a Rollins College Clinical Mental Health Counseling Graduate Student As a father of two teenage daughters, the topics of sex and sexual violence remain top-of-mind issues for my family and me. When we think about the dangers that lurk, like many parents, my wife […]

Holistic Healing: How Mindfulness Can Help in Your Healing Journey

As we enter the New Year, many may be in need and in search of some ways to find healing. It is always important to take care of yourself, but particularly in light of potentially triggering environments. The New Year is a great time to set goals and explore different routines to help with a […]

Holiday Survival Plan

The key to surviving the holidays is to anticipate any situations that might arise have a plan in place for resources to to turn to. Here are some local and national resources for your Holiday Survival Plans. 24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Helpline (407) 500-HEAL – The VSC Master’s level Victim Advocates are always available to […]

Military Sexual Trauma

November 11 is Veterans Day, a day in which we honor the brave men and women who have served our country through military service. Every year, thousands of men and women across the country make the decision to join the military. There may be a multitude of reasons driving this decision. Many feel a calling […]

A Letter from Rachel

My name is Rachel, and like far too many, I am a victim and survivor of a violent crime. You may remember hearing part of my story from this video, but there is so much more to my story. 11 years ago, a stranger broke into my home. After sexually assaulting me at gunpoint, he […]