Jenny’s Story
Dear Friend, With 1 in 4 women and 1 in 33 men experiencing sexual violence, we need your help now more than ever. Last year, because of the support of individuals like you, our trauma-informed care team responded to 1,513 crisis calls through our 24/7 hotline, collected DNA evidence for 274 victims of sexual […]
Tips for Enjoying the Holidays
Written by: Chelsea Mandes, VSC Victim Advocate Intern With holiday gatherings right around the corner, many people may find that their expectations for a good time as well as their anxiety regarding the people, places, and topics that may or may not present themselves can seemingly cripple a person’s ability to enjoy what are supposed […]
Men and Sexual Assault Victimization
Written by: Chelsea Mandes, VSC’s Victim Advocate Intern Sexual assault is a hot topic these days: from the multiple alleged campus sexual assaults in the media, to allegations of rape against beloved celebrities and athletes alike, it seems that one cannot go one day without a new allegation of sexual misconduct levied against a man. When […]
Continuity of Care
Written by: Katherine Olsen, VSC’s Social Justice Intern Continuity of Care (COC) is a common concept in the medical and mental health fields and is considered a central goal in both arenas. Although definitions vary, COC can be broadly described as health care events that are experienced as coherent and consistent with the user’s needs. […]
Lui’s Letter- October 2015
By: Lui Damiani, Executive Director Unfortunately, on a daily basis, the Victim Service Center team encounters victim blaming. One challenge we face as the voice of the victims we serve, is having individuals in our community really understand that it is NEVER the fault of a victim when a sexual assault occurs. Recently in the […]
A Former Client Gives Back
A Letter to the Victim Service Center August 2015 I am writing to express my sincerest gratitude to the Victim Service Center of Central Florida and most particularly, my Therapist, Theresa. I would be remiss if I did not take the time to say “Thank You!” Theresa proved to be God-sent to me during a […]
Serving First Responders
Written by: A VSC Victim Advocate The Victim Service Center operates the 24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline which not only serves victims, but also professionals in the community. Occasionally, we receive calls that require a Victim Advocate to provide services to both the victim and also first responders. Following a sexual assault, a victim may not […]
The Secondary Victim
Written by: David Sines, The Secondary Victim No one expects to receive a phone call like this… one that instantaneously turns your world completely upside down, chews it up, then spits it back out into a million pieces. For the rest of my life I will be able to pinpoint the exact location on the […]
My Vulnerability Hangover
By: Danielle Sullivan, Sexual Assault Survivor To coin a phrase from self-professed researcher/storyteller and TedTalks sensation Brené Brown, Ph. D., I suffered a major “vulnerability hangover” yesterday. I chose to share the story of my assault with someone; the whole story including the messy parts that I usually edit out. I chose to be vulnerable […]
Prison Rape Elimination Act
By: James Kenney PREA Coordinator, Osceola County Corrections The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) is the single-most important legislation directed toward the safety of inmates in the nation’s jails and prisons. The law supports the elimination, reduction and prevention of sexual assault in United States corrections facilities by developing national standards and accountability measures. […]