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Our Mission

To provide individualized services and resources to victims of sexual assault, violent crime, and traumatic circumstances, through crisis response, advocacy, therapy, education, and community awareness.

Clients Helped*
Volunteer Financial Impact $*

*Advocacy, Therapy, Training, and Outreach FY23-24

Our Vision

To transform victims' lives and prevent violence in our community.

Our Story

In the past 25 years, we have grown and served all victims of crime, sexual assault, and traumatic circumstances in Central Florida. 

Our dedicated crisis response team provides free, individualized, and confidential services for all victims of crime including sexual assault, mass causalities, domestic violence, terrorism, stalking, kidnapping, home invasion, assault/battery, and other traumatic events.

Our skilled staff operates a 24/7 crisis helpline that primary and secondary victims can call around the clock to receive immediate crisis intervention support. Not only does our team provide help in the moment of crisis, but we also continue to support victims throughout the duration of their healing process including case management, victim compensation, legal advocacy and court accompaniment, information and referrals, and therapy.

Together we can prevent violence in our community.

Founded in 1999

Commissioner Mary Johnson founded VSC after she recognized a gap in support services for victims.

Certified Rape Crisis Center

VSC became the Certified Rape Crisis Center serving Orange County and in the years following, expanded into Osceola County and Seminole County.

In-Person & Virtual Services

Following the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020, VSC implemented virtual advocacy and therapy options.

In Memory

Commissioner Mary I. Johnson

VSC Founder

“It is because of her vision, persistence, and tenacity that the Victim Service Center exists.” – Lui Damiani, VSC Executive Director