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Project Beloved Gives Back to VSC and Victims Everywhere

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SATC (Sexual Assault Treatment Center) Makeover
Thank you Project Beloved: the Molly Jane Mission!

Thank you to Project Beloved: The Molly Jane Mission for making over a room in our Sexual Assault Treatment Center (SATC) and turning it into a welcoming and soft interview room! Hear from one of the volunteers they brought to complete this project below about her experience making over the room.

by Evanne Mines, volunteer with Project Beloved at VSC

” I hope that whoever walks into that space for an interview will feel the love and hope that was put into its design.

I am connected with Project Beloved: The Molly Jane Mission because I am connected to Molly Matheson and her family.  When Molly died our whole community was devastated and grieved along with her family.  Her mother started Project Beloved and made it her mission for survivors of sexual assault to be: heard, believed and beloved.  I have learned so much about the prevalence of sexual assault in society and Project Beloved initiatives have given me ways to take action.  
This past month I was contacted and asked to help set up a “soft interview room” (a Project Beloved initiative) at the Victim Service Center and was so pleased that I would get to be hands on and a part of this project.  The whole goal of a soft interview room is to “create a comfortable space that allows participants to feel physically and emotionally safe which can have a significant impact on the interview process.”  Last year. Project Beloved partnered with the Victim Service Center of Central Florida and College Park United Methodist Church to put together and deliver Beloved Bundles and I remember being impressed with the representatives from VSC as they told us about their work in the community.   

” It was an honor to be able to be in service with  the Victim Service Center and Project Beloved and I have challenged myself to find some ways I can spread the word about their work in our local community. ” 

What a morning! Several community members and VSC staff worked together to unpack boxes of comfy chairs, artwork, accessories and put together a few tables. We had a layout to show us where to place the furniture, rug, hang artwork and ended up with a beautiful soft interview room filled with soothing colors and serene atmosphere.  I hope that whoever walks into that space for an interview will feel the love and hope that was put into its design. It was an honor to be able to be in service with  the Victim Service Center and Project Beloved and I have challenged myself to find some ways I can spread the word about their work in our local community.  

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